Life is pretty meaningless unless we have someone with us. Living a lonely life is really difficult but it does make your life more of a boring sort. It is a common thing that we do feel attracted towards the opposite sex and an intimation at least develops in our mind. Some people keep it in mind and suppress it without disclosing. Some people just give a go ahead and talk to the person regarding his or her feelings.

Dating is one way of knowing the person whom you like better. On a date, we talk about general things, likes and dislikes and even feel the extra warmth. Maybe it can be a start for being together in life. It is not necessary that all dating needs to end in a relationship. Sometimes first meeting or first date can even lead to a disaster due to various reasons. Reasons can be that the approach done by a man will not be liked by the woman. Maybe the girl had come too attractive rather than looking simple. It is common that when a date is fixed, expectations do roam around the mind regarding how he or she would like, what would he or she like, what to talk, how to talk etc. Sometimes they do wonder what would the partner wearing for today.

In some cases, in a blind date, you would be shocked to see that the person with whom you had talked either through chats or through phone, turns out to be a monster. So expectations in every area happens and it is these expectations that fail, lead to an end of a relationship.

Some people feel that getting dumped either at first date or a couple of meetings is end of life. Well it is not. Getting dumped happens not only to women but also to men. But women being mentally weak affect them and they find it difficult to cope up rather than men. Certain cases, women get so much committed with men and are caught in deep relation.When dumping happens, it shocks them and they find it difficult to come out of that. They suffer psychologically and even get mentally sick too. In case of men, they too get upset with the dump but they come out of it quickly. A couple of months it takes for them to come out and when they find another attractive woman, they again get intimated and love blossoms in the heart. Women need to follow like men. Be mentally strong and move forward in life. Online women need to know that men who they meet online can be of different characters. They are highly unpredictable. Online women get easily carried away by the sweet talks of men whom they meet online and later they suffer when they get dumped.

Most men prefer online hot chat to get themselves entertained. Women must realize that men who are looking for online hot chat needs to be taken not seriously. If they wish to avoid them they can do so. But it is for sure these men do not value relationship and cannot be taken seriously in life.

Being sad and lonely does not give meaning to life. You got to move forward in life and give a new meaning to life. Sometimes an end of a relationship can affect at your workplace and even affect people around you. Would you like to see people around you who love you be sad too. Think about it!